
How it works

OvenClub is a free mobile app available for Android and for iOS. To use it, please install it from the relevant stores, depending on your device. Once installed, follow the steps below to bake a recipe! Please do notice that we require push notification permissions so you get notified of when timers are done.

Get it on Google Play Get it on the App Store


1. Select a recipe

Select a recipe Select a recipe by tapping on it to get started. We have a selected number of tested recipes and we will add more over time, as well as improvements. The app will update itself, you won’t have to do anything.

2. Review the recipe

Select a recipe Review the recipe details before starting it. You may need to buy more ingredients or equipment to start. We are low-tech by design and we try to avoid expensive tools, but some are required for the success of the recipe. Once you have everything, press “Start recipe” in the bottom.

3. Follow the steps

Select a recipe Proceed following each step of the recipe. Use the builtin timers to be reminded when you need to proceed to the next step. Don’t worry, you may exit the app and your timers will still work. Press ‘Overview’ if you need a reminder on quantities of ingredients needed for a specific step.

4. Done!

Once you bake your bread, press ‘Done’ to mark your recipe as completed! Thanks for using OvenClub!